Hi, we're The Mates! We wrote and recorded these songs in our bedroom. We hope you like them. *Note: This isn't our biography ;)

His Name is orginally from somewhere in this world. He began playing the guitar, or whatever he plays, in some year sometime ago. What began as a
hobby, soon grew into a passion and his love for some particular artist inspired him to write or play a certain way.
He played with this band and that band and maybe there are more stories to tell here like perhaps he opened for someone cool or met someone cool or
something interesting happened that might be fun to read. In some year, he met "her name" and soon after, The Mates was formed.
Her Name was born in some place, and at the age of whatever, she relocated to here and there and ended up where she is now. Maybe somewhere in the middle
of all that relocating she went to school someplace. She learned to play some instrument when and why. Or maybe she's a singer/songwriter. Who are her influences?
When she met "His Name", she was mesmerized by whatever it was about him that got her interested and so on and so on the story goes.
The Mates
blend of this style of music and that style of music, gives
them a unique sound all their own.. or maybe it's a
not-so-unique sound but instead is reminicient of some band or
artist that readers will relate to. Their new album, "Future
Junk" was written in the bedroom, and maybe it's got a theme,
or maybe they finally took some collection of lyrics and set
them to music or maybe they finally wrote words for the
melodies they'd already written or maybe it's a celebration of
something or maybe they just had a lot of fun making noise and
it came out sounding great. Or maybe there's no story to tell
about the album and it can end with the summary of their sound
and what they're trying to accomplish with their music.